Runstreet Training: Train Smarter, Not Harder

Are you tired of feeling like you can’t make progress with your fitness goals? Get help with Runstreet Running & Fitness Training!

Runstreet Training is led by NASM-certified trainer and USATF-, RRCA-certified Brookyn running coach Marnie Kunz, who has trained clients in NYC for over 10 years. Marnie specializes in helping people improve their fitness and feel encouraged, confident and supportive throughout the process.

Whether you want to improve your race times or learn to strength train to sculpt your body, we got you covered. Check out our most popular running training programs — get a Customized Running Program to help you slay your running goals designed by Coach Marnie, or improve your race times with our 10 Best Speed Workouts for Runners of all levels for just $10.

Do you need a home workout program that actually keeps you motivated and accountable? We offer personalized, motivating and flexible fitness programs to help you lose body fat, improve sports performance, get toned, reduce stress, and feel energized. For more information on fitness training, check out our Runstreet Shop.